Pojęcie wartości estetycznej w pracach Władysława Tatarkiewicza

Aleksandra Horecka


Author: Horecka Aleksandra
Title: THE CONCEPT OF AESTHETICAL VALUE IN TATARKIEWICZ’S PAPERS (Pojęcie wartości estetycznej w pracach Władysława Tatarkiewicza)
Source: Filo-Sofija
year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 601-615
Discipline: PHILOSOPHY
Language: POLISH
Document type: ARTICLE
Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address):
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to report and analyse the main theses of Tatarkiewicz’s theory of aesthetic value. We concentrate on ontological problems – what is aesthetical value and what is the ontological category of valuable object. Tatarkiewicz claims, that:
“The term ‘value’ refers to an abstract: property of thing, or to a concrete: to thing endowed with this property”.
Many types of aesthetic value (aesthetic value in narrow sense, literary value and poetical value) exist.
The only difference between using concept of aesthetic value only in positive sense and using concept of aesthetic value both – in positive and negative sense – is formal.
Concerning thesis (1) we claim, that expression “thing” in Tatarkiewicz’s theory is the synonym for “physical object”; not only material objects, but also physical events and processes are Tatarkiewicz’s things as well. In our opinion the concept of aesthetic value proposed by Tatarkiewicz is objective, therefore formulation of thesis of aesthetic subjectivity, which Tatarkiewicz also did, is problematical. Using Tatarkiewicz’s terminology, we construct concept of value as a state of affairs (that some object is endowed with value-property) and we accept monocathegoriality of values (value is a property, a thing endowed with this property or a state of affairs).
Concerning thesis (2) we divide all objects into semantic and asemantic and
we claim, that in Tatarkiewicz’s theory, only asemantic objects or semantic but semantically uninterpreted object could be endowed with aesthetic value in narrow sense. The aesthetic value in narrow sense is its property considering its appearance or structure. As to the literary and poetical values – they are ascribed to semantic object in consideration of represented object.
Concerning thesis (3) we argue, that it is significant whether we use concept of
value only in positive sense or both – in positive and negative sense. Only in language
with both expressions (“positive aesthetic value” and “negative aesthetic value”) we
can formulate the theses about aesthetically neutral objects.

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