Bocheńskiego zachęta do filozofii politycznej niepoprawności

Wojciech Zieliński


Wojciech Zieliński

Bocheński’s Invitation to the Philosophy of Political Incorrectness


The article shows that the practical philosophy of Joseph M. Bocheński – especially from his glossary of superstitions – is very important for the philosopher acting in the contemporary society. In the introduction the author writes about social determinants of philosophy and the need of philosophical courage. The first part of the article brings Aristotle’s lessons of the philosophical wisdom. In the second part the author analyzes the issue of political (in)correctness and shows its influence on the contemporary Polish philosophy. The third part contains a selection of remarks by Bocheński, included under the banner of the seven calls to the philosophy of political incorrectness: be rightly proud, polemicize with culture, discuss with science, don’t be a political manikin, don’t flatter idols, don’t be afraid of valuation, don’t unsubscribe of common sense! In the opinion of the author of the article, a courageous practical philosophy is needed as a tool to the weeding of stupidity and hypocrisy of thoughtlessly applied political correctness.

Keywords: Aristotle, Joseph M. Bocheński, ethics, meta-philosophy, political incorrectness, superstitions, wisdom.

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