Uwagi do problematyki trynitarnej w Pedagogu Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego
Notes on the Issue of the Trinity in Paedagogus by Clement of Alexandria
By Jerzy Wojtczak-Szyszkowski
The earliest known reference to the Holy Trinity as “Trias” was made by Theophilus of Antioch and can be found in his Apology to Autolycus. Whereas Clement of Alexandria is the first writer who actually formulated the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which was practically accepted in the dogmatic statement adopted by the First Council of Nicaea in 325 and the First Council of Constantinople in 381. It is he who, in his Paedagogus, names the Father as the Creator of Everything; discussing the Logos states that He is the Son of the Creator; he also adds the name of the third Person: the Holy Spirit. The doxological passage included at the back of this work confirms that Clement recognizes all three Divine Persons as the only God, which is the core thesis of the Church Doctrine.
Keywords: Theophilus of Antioch, Clement of Alexandria, Holy Trinity, Logos.
By Jerzy Wojtczak-Szyszkowski
The earliest known reference to the Holy Trinity as “Trias” was made by Theophilus of Antioch and can be found in his Apology to Autolycus. Whereas Clement of Alexandria is the first writer who actually formulated the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which was practically accepted in the dogmatic statement adopted by the First Council of Nicaea in 325 and the First Council of Constantinople in 381. It is he who, in his Paedagogus, names the Father as the Creator of Everything; discussing the Logos states that He is the Son of the Creator; he also adds the name of the third Person: the Holy Spirit. The doxological passage included at the back of this work confirms that Clement recognizes all three Divine Persons as the only God, which is the core thesis of the Church Doctrine.
Keywords: Theophilus of Antioch, Clement of Alexandria, Holy Trinity, Logos.
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