Rehabilitacja myślenia historycznego w filozofii późnego Husserla

Andrzej Wawrzynowicz


Rehabilitation of Historical Thinking in Husserl’s Late Philosophy

In its starting point, the project of transcendental phenomenology proposed by Edmund Husserl is located at the antipodes of the classical philosophy of history. The author of the Logical Investigations - one of the first outlines of his project – is outspoken about opposing the entire Hegelian historiosophical heritage which, in his view, blazed the trail for the contemporary tendency culminating in philosophy’s abandonment of all scientific aspirations and in the consolidation of the model of worldview philosophy (founded on historicism). The latter leads to the rejection of the knowledge of truth in the strict sense of the classical Greek episteme, which (rejection) Husserl confronts with his own original program of the phenomenological return to the epistemological sources of philosophy. It is interesting to explore what induced Husserl in his late period, corresponding to the publication of The Crisis of European Sciences, to revise his own position on the role of historical thinking in philosophical reflection – and to determine the final scope of his revision.

Keywords: Edmund Husserl, phenomenology, Europe, teleology, philosophy of history

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